Twitter changes timeline to show tweets out of order

10314734_10152249375494667_9222053745733887140_nThe rumours are true. Twitter has rolled out a new timeline that shows tweets out of order. Nobody freak out. It’s actually a pretty cool feature…

A bunch of the most popular and recommended tweets that you missed while away will now show up at the top of your timeline. Your regular timeline (the reverse chronological one that Twitter is known for) will still appear underneath.

The new feature is opt-in only, so you don’t have to make the change. You can flip it on and off in your settings. The rumour is the new feature will automatically be turned on for mobile and computer users in the next few weeks.

According to Twitter, the main point of the new timeline is to keep people in the loop. If you’ve been away from the network for a few days (or hours), you’ll get a snapshot of the most important things you missed.

You can now switch between multiple accounts on Instagram


Some good news for people who have more than one Instagram account. You can now switch between multiple accounts on Android or iOS. The app allows people to have as many as five accounts logged in at once.

The process is simple. Just go to settings on one of your Instagram accounts, and scroll to the bottom. You will see an “add account” tab. Fill out the username and password of your second, third, fourth or fifth account. Now you don’t have to logout of one account every time you want to view another.

To switch between accounts, all you have to do is tap on your username at the top of your profile. Once multiple accounts are added, you will see your profile photo appear in multiple places in the app, so you can always tell which account you are logged into.




Zika is a mosquito-borne virus. It’s transmitted when a person is bitten by an infected Aedes mosquito. These mosquitos are found in all countries in the Americas except Canada and Chile.

About 1 in 5 people infected with the virus show side effects. It can cause various symptoms including fever, muscle and joint pain and skin rashes. Most people infected do not require a trip to the hospital. There is no evidence of it causing death.


The virus is possibly linked to a serious birth defect called Microcephaly. This condition causes babies to be born with abnormally small heads and brains. About 4,000 cases of Microcephaly have been reported in Brazil since September, aligning with the spread of the Zika virus.

Canada’s Public Health Agency has issued a warning for pregnant women travelling to Central and South America, and the Caribbean. Four of the country’s largest airlines are also allowing pregnant women to cancel or change their bookings to these areas.


Currently there is no vaccine or regular treatment for the Zika virus.


The Zika virus has been reported in 23 countries. Brazil has been hit the hardest, followed by Columbia. Outbreaks have also been reported in Haiti, Puerto Rico, Venezuela among others. Here is the full list.

Three cases of the Zika virus have been confirmed in Canada, but all of them were infected outside of the country.


The World Health Organization says the virus is “spreading explosively”, and has declared it has an global health emergency.

The organization predicts there could be as many as three to four million cases of the virus over the next year.

Seven reasons why Costco is everything you ever needed in your life


1. The flatbeds

You might as well be honest with yourself and grab one of these things on your way in. Come for a rack of ribs, leave with $500.00 worth of groceries and a tomb stone.

2. Free samples

Shopping and eating at the same time is the closest to heaven you can get. If you’re hungry for lunch, might as well make a pit stop at Costco. Start at the perogie booth, wash it down with an energy drink sample, and finally make your way to the  baked goods section for some mini cinnamon rolls. By the time you’re done you’ll have eaten a 12 course meal.


3. These muffins

I don’t know about you, but my kind of muffins come in 12 and triple chocolate.

4. Bulk everything

Typical trip to Costco:
Yes, I would like to buy a 300 pack of chocolate chip cookies.
Forty mini pizzas? Let me find some room in the freezer.
We could always use some more toilet paper…

5. The book and movie aisle 

This is where every kid spends the majority of their time while their parents are doing a Costco run.
6. The memberships

If you want to feel like a real VIP buy a Costco membership. Trust me, it pays for itself with one trip around the sample booths.


7. The Costco Poutine

I left the best for last. The gravy.. The curds… The crispy delicious fries… All for under $5.00? I don’t care what anyone says. This poutine is worth the crowded parking lot and five days of heartburn.


Men are actually hotter than women

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As I write this blog, I’m currently wrapped in a burrito of three blankets, with my arms extended onto the keyboard like some fat T-Rex. My boyfriend is on the other side of the sectional, lounging comfortably in a tank top and shorts. The temperature; 68 degrees Fahrenheit.

This scene translates from home to the office, where it’s a constant battle with my male coworkers for thermostat supremacy.

So what gives? I decided to do some research so I have ammunition the next time I want to jack up the heat.

It turns out men are actually hotter than women (well… sort of). Let me explain.

Ladies… If you’re anything like me, your feet, nose and fingers are always the first to get cold. On average, women have more fat than men, and we tend to carry most of it in the middle of our bodies (think your bum, stomach and chest). Our bodies are essentially programmed to keep our vital organs warm, which is why our extremities are often left in the cold.

Men generally have less fat, and it’s more evenly spread throughout their bodies (lucky them…). This means their extremities won’t get as cold in comparison to the rest of their bodies.  On average, they also have more muscle, which helps with blood flow throughout the entire body.

To put it simply, a man and woman’s core temperatures are around the same. However, when it comes to the extremities (like the fingers, toes and nose) a woman’s can run 3 degrees lower than a man’s.

So ladies… There’s your excuse to jack up the heat and steal all the blankets! Not that you ever needed one.

Why people in their twenties are never satisfied

10442926_10152278166224667_7093880265412618469_nMillennials and their parents like to set the bar high.

Go to school, travel the world, land a dream job, meet the love of your life and save enough money to buy your first home. These are just a few of the expectations we set for ourselves by the time we’re 30 (or if you’re especially ambitious, 25).

The truth is, we’re setting ourselves up for failure. Unless you’re a trust fund baby, the chances of all of these pieces falling together within a single decade are not on your side.

Stop feeling unaccomplished because you haven’t checked visiting Southeast Asia off your “before-30” list. Instead, let’s break down the reality of the situation:

Going on a dream vacation, kick-starting your career and finding Mr. or Mrs. Right are all great goals, but they are far from synonymous.

If you choose to travel for a long period of time, chances are you’re not making any steps towards landing your ideal job. The same goes for building your career. Taking a few months off for a vacation doesn’t make much sense if you’re trying to earn a promotion or find a better job.

Not to mention finding ‘the one’. If your energy is being exhausted pounding the pavement, or you’re halfway across the world at a Full Moon party, dating can seem near impossible.

The voice of reason in my head suggests the best way to avoid the soul-crushing feeling of “not making it” is to simply streamline goals.

Find out what you want the most and make it your priority. It will be a lot easier to achieve if you have one goal in mind, rather than going in five different directions.

The challenge really comes when you have finally checked one of those goals off your list. All too often, people let their achievements be diminished by the pressure of reaching the next ‘thing’. When there’s such a long path ahead of you, it’s easy to forget how far you’ve come.

When you achieve something you have worked so hard for, it only makes sense to relish in the feeling of satisfaction and happiness (Isn’t that why you were doing it in the first place?).

Five simple ways to get more followers on Twitter

10439571_10152268293689667_1344748379_nSo you want more followers on Twitter? Here are five simple ways to make it happen.

  1. Have a professional looking Twitter avatar: First impressions are so important, and it’s no different on social media. Twitter has over a billion members, and a user will only spend a few seconds deciding if they want to follow you. Whether your marketing your business, or yourself, make sure your avatar is clean, crisp and professional. It’s okay to have a little fun with the photo depending on your brand.
  2. Have a theme: If you want more followers on Twitter, your content has to be useful to someone. Whether you write a beauty and lifestyle blog, or just really like french bulldogs, pick a theme and stick to it. This will work to your advantage in two ways. People who find your page, and identify with your theme, will find value in your content and press the follow button. You will also retain these followers by sticking to your theme and providing them with content they enjoy.
  3. Follow followers of similar pages: Mass following on Twitter is the quickest way to get more followers. However, there’s a method to the madness. If you run blog or a business, your first instinct might be to follow other blog or business owners. Don’t do this (unless you want to collaborate). They want more followers just like you, and if they do follow you back, chances are they won’t be interacting with your content. The better strategy is to go to similar pages to yours and follow their followers (Example: You tweet all about french bulldogs… go to a french bulldog fan page… and follow all their followers). These people have already identified they like your theme and will most likely follow you back and engage with your posts.
  4. Use trending hashtags: Using trending hashtags is a great way to get more exposure for your Twitter page. Trending topics in your country or region can be found on the left side of your Twitter profile. As long as the hashtag fits your ‘theme’, integrate it into a tweet. This way anyone who searches for that trending topic is likely to come across your tweet, and visit your page.
  5. Tweet at others: Making connections and having a conversation– that’s what Twitter’s all about. Tweeting at users can help you reach potential followers outside of your network. Engage with other people’s content and you’re more likely to get retweeted and noticed.